Tuesday, July 18, 2023

 Asset vs Liability: A short story

Son:  Dad, may I speak with you?

Dad: Go ahead.

Son: Among all my classmates, I am the only one without a car. It is embarrassing.

Dad: What do you want me to do?

Son: I need a car. I don't want to feel odd.

Dad: Do you have a particular car in mind?

Son: Yes dad (smiling)

Dad: How much?

Son: N2,000,000 

Dad: I will give you the money on one condition.

Son: What is the condition?

Dad: You will not use the money to buy a car but invest it. If you make enough profit from the investment, you can go ahead and buy the car.

Son: Deal.

Then, the father gave him a cheque of N2,000,000. The son cashed the cheque and invested it in obedience to the verbal agreement that he had with his father.

Some months later, the father asked the son how he was faring. The son responded that his business was improving. The father left him. 

After some months again, the father asked him about his business

again and the son told him that he is making a lot of profit from the business.

When it was exactly a year after he gave him the money, the father asked him to show him how far the business has gone. The son readily agreed and the following discussion took place:

Dad: From this I can see that you have made a lot of money.

Son: Yes dad.

Dad: Do you still remember our agreement?

Son: Yes

Dad: What is it?

Son: We agreed that I should invest the money and buy the car from the profit.

Dad: Why have you not bought the car?

Son: I don't need the car again. I want to invest more.

Dad: Good. You have learnt the lessons that I wanted to teach you.

- You didn't really need the car, you just wanted to feel among. That would have placed extra financial obligations on you. It wasn't an asset then; but a liability.

- Two, it is very important for you to invest in your future before living like a king.

Son: Thanks dad.

Then the father gave him the key of the latest model of that car.


1. Always invest first before you start living the way you want.

2. What you see as a need now may become a want if you can take a little time to get over your feelings.

3. Try to be able to distinguish between an asset and a liability so that what you see as an asset today will not become a liability to you tomorrow.

Source :-  Facebook

Friday, June 17, 2022

 The Psychology of Money

A tendency to adjust to current circumstances in a way that makes forecasting your future desires and actions difficult, resulting in the inability to capture long-term compounding rewards that come from current decisions.

Every five-year-old boy wants to drive a tractor when they grow up. Then you grow up and realize that driving a tractor maybe isn’t the best career. So as a teenager you dream of being a lawyer. Then you realize that lawyers work so hard they rarely see their families. So then you become a stay-at-home parent. Then at age 70 you realize you should have saved more money for retirement.

Things change. And it’s hard to make long-term decisions when your view of what you’ll want in the future is so liable to shift.

This gets back to the first rule of compounding: Never interrupt it unnecessarily. But how do you not interrupt a money plan – careers, investments, spending, budgeting, whatever – when your life plans change? It’s hard. Part of the reason people like Grace Groner and Warren Buffett become so successful is because they kept doing the same thing for decades on end, letting compounding run wild. But many of us evolve so much over a lifetime that we don’t want to keep doing the same thing for decades on end. Or anything close to it. So rather than one 80-something-year lifespan, our money has perhaps four distinct 20-year blocks. Compounding doesn’t work as well in that situation.

There is no solution to this. But one thing I’ve learned that may help is coming back to balance and room for error. Too much devotion to one goal, one path, one outcome, is asking for regret when you’re so susceptible to change.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021


Top Ways to Make Money with Blockchain in 2022


Industry 4.0 is here and IoT, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, machine learning, and blockchain are changing the way we live significantly. Devices are getting smarter, and transactions are becoming securer. With your Spectrum Billing connection, you can browse the web to see future predictions regarding these technologies. Each of them is witnessing exponential growth and there’s no sign of this changing any time soon. This is due to the significant value of these technologies.

W.D Gann Mastercourse | E01

Thursday, October 7, 2021


                                Crypto Boom Poses New Challenges to Financial Stability

The Crypto Ecosystem—What Is It, What’s at Risk?

The total market value of all the crypto assets surpassed $2 trillion as of September 2021—a 10-fold increase since early 2020. An entire ecosystem is also flourishing, replete with exchanges, wallets, miners, and stablecoin issuers.

Many of these entities lack strong operational, governance, and risk practices. Crypto exchanges, for instance, have faced significant disruptions during periods of market turbulence. There are also several high-profile cases of hacking-related thefts of customer funds. So far, these incidents have not had a significant impact on financial stability. However, as crypto assets become more mainstream, their importance in terms of potential implications for the wider economy is set to increase.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

20 Stocks To Own Forever


 El Salvador is successfully mining bitcoin from volcanic energy. It’s not the first country to do so, but it is the first country to make bitcoin legal tender, and that’s why this is critical for the crypto community.https://www.ntd.com/el-salvador-uses-volcanoes-to-mine-bitcoin_683635.html